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Harrisville, NH

Petoskey, MI – Cynthia's Too!


Come join me as I teach, knit and show off some of my sweaters around the country (and sometimes around the globe)!  


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Petoskey, MI – Cynthia's Too!

Sunday June 28th

Norah gaughan vol 16 for Berroco, Try on Trunkshow 

3 – 5 pm meet and great Norah,try on Norah’s garments, mingle, shop and refreshments will be open to “all”.  We will take names until our max attendance is reached for this afternoon.  Please call and notify Cynthia if you are planning on attending to hold a spot for you



June 29th : Stafford’s Perry Hotel100 Lewis St, Petoskey, MI

                    Time:  9 am – 5 pm Classes, lunch & “Try It On Event”.

Knitting Polygons
Class Description: From Knitting Nature and beyond, learn all the tricks to
knitting garments made from hexagons and other polygons.

Exploring the Cable toolbox
By knitting cables made from ribs, mini cables and lace in unusual and useful cable structures you’ll become familiar with a new vocabulary of cables, preparing you for experimenting with new cable fabrics on your own.


    Cynthia’s Too! Yarn & Gifts, 320 E. Mitchell St., Petoskey (231) 439-9221