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Harrisville, NH

Akita - More Personal Modifications


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Akita - More Personal Modifications

Norah Gaughan

Is it odd for a designer to make modifications to their own design?  Naa, not really.  I might change my mind about something, or as in this case, my alterations to the pattern are personal and I think the original is more universal. Let me know if you agree or not.

Last post I talked about my yarn switch, high neck and choosing a most oversized size.  

In the meantime, I've made a few more personal choices:

1. Narrow sleeves (compared to the body size) - I like an oversized sweater to be balanced off by narrow sleeves.  I decided to take 8 sts off of each sleeve by omitting increases (fairly) evenly as I worked from the neck to the underarm.  I didn't do any recalculating about placement. I just left out every other increase on each end of the sleeve 4 times somewhere in the middle.  

2. Sleeves worked back and forth - when got to the sleeves I didn't feel like digging up my double pointed needles or wrangling 2 circulars at once (and magic loop isn't my favorite).  I added a stitch at each end when I was picking up for the underarm and worked the sleeve flat. It leaves me with a really easy seam. I don't mind seaming with mattress stitch, especially with a plain st st edge.

I decided to work my sleeves back and forth.

I decided to work my sleeves back and forth.

Next up...blocking and photos of my Akita on me.  I wish I was going to have it ready for my teaching trip to Mohonk this weekend, but I have to much else to do before then. (sigh)